Social Media

Get Back the Hacked Facebook Account or Forgotten Password

One of the most frequent questions I get e-mail it to: “how can I recover my stolen password to Facebook?”. Let’s say that 90% of the time I suspect that these people simply want to find a way to try to steal passwords, perhaps at / to own / or companion / or to enter in your account without their knowledge and rummage through the various information available.

facebook hacked security1 Get Back the Hacked Facebook Account or Forgotten Password

I am also aware, however, that not everything must be done with the same brush and then, if indeed you have lost your password and you can no longer retrieve it or if something more serious, someone managed to steal your password , you must find the method to reset everything and restore your access credentials. The first thing I recommend is to make sure that your account has actually been stolen and not disabled: ask a friend if your profile is still visible and, if so, you can be sure that someone has violated your account.

Now the first thing to do is try to reset your password. Going into the Facebook page you can click on “Forgot your password?”, Enter your email address with which you registered and / or mobile number and send you a new password through the chosen mode. However, if the person who stole your account is even slightly intelligent and will certainly have changed both mail your cell phone number. And ‘the end then? Absolutely not.

The second mode of recovery is to indicate your name on Facebook, which usually has un’indirizzo like / yourname, groped and recovery. In addition, you can also choose the third recovery mode which consists in ‘enter your name and that of a friend (who of course have added to the list of friends).

At this point, Facebook will ask you for your email but if someone has changed, you can click on the “You can no longer access it?” And enter a different email and you will enter in contact with the staff of Facebook that will make sure of your identity reset your password.

recupero password facebook Get Back the Hacked Facebook Account or Forgotten Password

Finally, if you are still not able to regain access, go to this page and identify your account in order to prove your identity to Facebook. Last advice I can give you, if you already have in the past or recovered password reset and you still have the email saved, try clicking on the link inside to reset it and you should be able to retrieve your account even now.

Oh, I almost forget! Once you have managed to fit in your account I suggest you contact Facebook and make a report of the compromised account. It ‘really all for any doubt or question do not hesitate to ask me something;)

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